Have you noticed that you’re more forgetful than usual lately? Maybe you’ve misplaced your car keys even though you could swear you left them in a certain spot, or maybe you’ve forgotten important words when you’re in the middle of a conversation. When you’re young, these bouts of forgetfulness are no cause for concern, but as you age and these mishaps happen more frequently, you may start to worry. There is a difference between regular age-related memory loss and an actual cognitive problem.
With age-related memory loss, the words you couldn’t think of will eventually come to you after some time. If this becomes a real problem, it could be a sign of something more serious. Be sure to contact your doctor if you feel your memory loss is something out of the ordinary.
In this tutorial, we’ll give you seven tips on how to prevent memory loss in old age, so you have some tricks up your sleeve!
1. Exercise
We’ve all heard how important it is to exercise our bodies a few times a week or even daily, but as we get older this becomes especially important. Exercise is not only good for our bodies but it also positively impacts our brains by getting the blood flowing, making it a great way to help with age-related memory loss. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Do you have to go to the pharmacy that’s a couple of blocks away?
Try walking there instead of driving. Park at the end of a parking lot so your walk into the store is longer. Plan walks with friends. There are even apps you can download that give you a short daily workout you can try. There are so many things you can do to stay active, you just have to make the commitment.
2. Memory exercises
Just as important as regular exercise is exercise for your brain. One of the best things you can do for your brain as you get older is to keep it active and engaged. How do you do this?
A few ideas include downloading a brain training app that you can log into every day and do some stimulating exercises, do the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper or buy yourself a crossword puzzle book, read a novel, paint, and draw. All of these activities will give your mind a mental workout and increase your chances of staying sharp.
3. Be social
Another tip to prevent memory loss in old age is to get out there and be social. Just like engaging in mental exercise, being social can also help keep your mind sharp. Try and get out each week to see family and friends.
Organize time to play with your grandchildren, maybe start a book club with some friends, go to the mall with friends for coffee and maybe a quick walk, or take part in different activities at your retirement home.
4. Pay attention to diet
What does your daily diet consist of? An easy way to keep your mind sharp and prevent memory loss is to eat a healthy diet. Make sure you eat enough fruits and vegetables and consider replacing red meat with fish.
Fish, especially oily fish, come packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is good for the brain as it helps build membranes around the brain, thus improving the structure of brain cells. If you don’t like fish, you can always opt for an omega-3 supplement instead.
5. Sleep
Sleep is important no matter what age you are but getting enough sleep as you age becomes even more important. One of the many benefits of sleep when it comes to memory is that it helps you consolidate memories, making it possible for you to recall memories at a later time.
It’s also proven that when you don’t sleep well mental function goes down and you become less sharp. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, consider taking naps during the day to help you get more hours of shut-eye.
6. Learn a new skill
You can also prevent memory loss in your old age by learning something new. This will keep your mind sharp as you develop new connections in the brain. Try your local community center to see if they offer any classes you can take. Even better, take a class with a friend. Some classes you can take include cooking classes, painting classes, and pottery. Why not try something new?
7. Set up calendars and agendas
Lastly, you want to set yourself up for success, remember that it’s okay to use memory aids. If you find you’re forgetting things, schedule reminders in your phone or on your calendar to help you remember. If associating new things that you’re learning with things you already know helps you to remember, then use that trick to remember.
Whatever helps you remember things is a good thing, so don’t worry if you find yourself needing to use these tricks. Use these seven tips to prevent memory loss and stay sharp no matter what age you are!