Are you experiencing issues with your toilet flushing? You’re not alone. This is a very common household problem. It can be awkward but thankfully, you won’t always need a plumber to fix the toilet flush
Unless you have a very, very old toilet, it is rare that you will have to fix a toilet flush by buying a new toilet. If you are unsure about the status of your toilet flush, consult with a professional plumber. The expense will be worth it if it leads to you not having to pay for a new toilet.
If you don’t know what to do with a toilet not flushing, here are the eight best ways on how to fix a toilet flush:
1. Fix the toilet flush button
The flush button should be the first item you check in order to fix the toilet flush. Lift the tank cover and start your troubleshooting by checking your toilet handle or button.
Look at the flush mechanism. The button should have a rod extending at the underside and a lever fitted to the end of the rod. The lever can break sometimes. If this is the case, you just need to replace it.
2. Fix the broken toilet flapper
The most common cause of a toilet not flushing is a broken flapper. The flapper is at the bottom of the toilet tank. It allows water to flow into the toilet bowl before flapping down on an opening that then refills the toilet tank. It is rigged to a chain which is connected by a rod to the toilet handle. Push down, the chain lifts.
If you jiggle the handle, this can adjust the flapper back in place. If the chain has come loose, re-connect it to the flapper. This is usually all it takes to fix the toilet.
3. Fix the broken parts in a toilet
Sometimes upon lifting the toilet tank lid, you will find the lift chain is broken. This is a likely cause of the toilet not flushing. If you can’t adjust your length or re-attach it to resume normal flushing, you need a new lift chain which can be purchased at any hardware store.
Another common broken part that affects flushing is a toilet’s overflow tube. These tubes can crack. When this happens, water will flow into it and prevent a tank from filling. You’ll need to fix these tubes before you fix the toilet flush. To restore its function, replace the overflow tube. Once again, this part can be purchased at your local hardware store.
4. Fix the toilet clog
If you know that it’s likely your toilet is clogged, the first step is to stop the toilet from overflowing. Once that’s done, the next step is to empty out some of the water from the toilet if it isn’t going down at all. After that’s done, use a plunger and start plunging away the hole.
It often doesn’t take more than a few pumps to clear a clog and get that water to go down all the way. Afterwards, be cautious but flush again to confirm that this is what the issue was. With any luck, you could have fixed the toilet flush.
5. Fix the toilet flush holes
Another issue with the toilet not flushing is when the flush holes are clogged. These are the holes where water comes out and fills the bowl. They are very small. It is rare, but they can become clogged and you’ll need to unclog them before you can fix the toilet flush.
Use a bobby in or a coat hanger to push through these holes and clear out any blockages. If you notice your water pressure’s affected, look to these flush holes for a possible answer.
6. Fix the water level
Sometimes, a toilet may not receive enough water. If you find this is the case, it’s going to affect your toilet’s flushing power. What you want to do is to remove the toilet tank cover and see if water’s up to the designated line. If it isn’t you have a water tank float assembly in the toilet. Adjusting the water level can be done by using this.
7. Clean the toilet
Cleaning the toilet may help to fix the toilet flush. When you absolutely have to, you can use bleach to clean the toilet. To do this though, you will have to turn off the water supply to the toilet. You can do this by the water supply valve which usually is attached to the wall or floor. Pour about a gallon of bleach into the toilet. Let it sit for twenty minutes. Then, flush.
The bleach will naturally work through the toilet system to clean out blockages that could be affecting flush efficiency. Once the flush has gone through, turn the toilet water supply back on. The tank will fill back up immediately. Over the next thirty minutes, flush again two or three times just to make sure the bleach has gone all the way through.
8. Improve the toilet flush
Another way to take care of inefficiencies that could be impacting a toilet’s flush is to use pure vinegar inside the overflow tube. Remove the fill hose, if there is one. From there, place a funnel inside the tube. Pour down roughly a quart of white vinegar. Let it sit for at least two hours.
The vinegar is going to disinfect and relieve junk deposits that could have spent years building up throughout your toilet system. After a few hours, you can do a flush and the vinegar will push through.