Most businesses are moving to the cloud nowadays. When it comes to VPS hosting, it means that the company’s data is hosted on more than one server. The hosting company offers virtual servers that combine resources from networks of your physical web servers. If you are considering a VPS hosting, you need to get some facts right. Besides, several misconceptions surround hosting, which sometimes discourages businesses from purchasing a VPS hosting.
1. It is for Linux experts
That was the case several years back because managed hosts were not in existence at the time. However, technology has changed, and VPS buyers have two primary options to choose from, which include the unmanaged VPS and managed VPS. The former takes care of backups, security, the performance of your server, and updates on your behalf.
2. Any web hosting provider will do
It is probably one of the most common myths out there. Well, web hosting providers are the same because they deal with similar services and products. However, each web hosting provider provides their products and services in different ways. Therefore, businesses ought to understand what they want to achieve with web hosting so that they get a provider who offers a plan that suits what they want.
3. All cheap web hosts are bad
A reliable web hosting provider doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Also, not all affordable or cheap providers are bad. Therefore, you need to consider the premium support options and features offered by the web host so that you can filter the good apples from the bad apples.
4. Host your site with your domain registrar
Unfortunately, some businesses assume that well-known domain name registration providers will be excellent hosts. The truth is that most people remain with their domain registrar due to lack of knowledge or research or laziness. Consequently, most of these individuals ultimately search for greener hosting pastures.
5. Server specifications are not essential
It is a myth that has affected several businesses because they believe that any server will do. On the contrary, the specifications of a server are imperative; thus, you need to research to understand the features that your web host offers. Also, don’t assume that disk space and bandwidth are not necessary. You need to pay attention to them based on the type of site you want to create.
6. Migrating to VPS is difficult
The truth is that migrating to VPS is easy, and not as difficult as people think. You need to liaise with your provider to help you migrate without difficulties. Surprisingly, it is a process that doesn’t take a long time; usually, a few hours or minutes. Your host will spawn the VPS then tweak it for performance and harden it for security.